Journal articles:
Bernard, T., Glotzbach, C., Peifer, D., Neely, A., Schaller, M., Beer, A., et al. (2024). Estimation of denudation parameters and river capture events from neural network inverse modeling of river profiles and thermo‐ and geochronology data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 129, e2024JF007636.
Fox, M., Hoseason, T., Bernard, T., Sinclair, H., & Smith, A. G. G. (2023). Bedload‐Bedrock Contrasts Form Enigmatic Low‐Relief Surfaces of the Pyrenees. Geophysical Research Letters, 50(6),
Ford, M., Masini, E., Vergés, J., Pik, R., Ternois, S., Léger, J., Dielfolder, A., Frasca, G., Grool, A., Vinciguerra, C., Bernard, T., ... & Calassou, S. (2022). Evolution of a low convergence collisional orogen: a review of Pyrenean orogenesis. Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 193(1)..
Bernard, T., & Sinclair, H. D. (2022). Accelerated sediment delivery to continental margins during post‐orogenic rebound of mountain ranges. Basin Research, 35(2), 642-661.
Bernard, T., Sinclair, H. D., Gailleton B., & Fox, M. (2021). Formation of longitudinal river valleys and the fixing of drainage divides in response to exhumation of crystalline basement. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(8).
Bernard, T., Sinclair, H. D., Naylor, M., Christophoul, F., & Ford, M. (2020). Post‐orogenic sediment drape in the Northern Pyrenees explained using a box model. Basin Research, 33(1), 118-137.
Bernard, T., Sinclair, H. D., Gailleton, B., Mudd, S. M., & Ford, M. (2019). Lithological control on the post-orogenic topography and erosion history of the Pyrenees. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 518, 53-66.
Bernard, T., Steer, P., Gallagher, K., Szulc, A., Whitham, A., & Johnson, C. (2016). Evidence for Eocene–Oligocene glaciation in the landscape of the East Greenland margin. Geology, 44(11), 895-898.
Conference papers:
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